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    Intelsat Announces compact FlexMaritime with KNS SuperTrack C4 antenna
    • Admin
    • 2021.04.08
    • 8389

    Intelsat Announces compact FlexMaritime 

    with KNS SuperTrack C4 antenna

    KNS is proud to announce C4 is chosen as a 45cm maritime terminal by the Intelsat 

    FlexMaritime, Intelsat released a smaller antenna class for its FlexMaritime service 

    on 7 th April, 2021 that will bring a new level of broadband connectivity performance 

    and affordability to leisure, fishing and light-commercial maritime vessels around 

    the world.

    The KNS SuperTrack C4(45cm diameter) is small to enough to hand carry aboard
    vessel and easy to install and it is easy to connect to Intelsat FlexMaritim network
    can reach up to 6Mbps data speeds.

    C4 has been qualified by Intelsat in January 2020 and has been conducted sea trial
    with Seasat A/S and the performance has been proved at the harsh sea conditions.

    “We conducted extensive testing and sea trials of FlexMaritime’s 45cm service using
    the KNS C4 antenna, with the service consistently meeting or exceeding our
    performance expectations; in fact, during testing, our crew stayed connected during
    some very harsh sea conditions,” said Kim Martinsen, CEO and Co-Founder of
    Seasat A/S , a Flex45 beta launch solution partner.

    Intelsat FlexMaritime services are offered exclusively through Intelsat’s network of
    FlexMaritime solutions partners, including Flex45 beta launch partners Seasat A/S
    and World-Link Communications.